Reasons for Chimney Damage
An essential component of both your house and fireplace is your chimney. Its failure to operate effectively puts your safety at risk. To the untrained eye, several symptoms of chimney deterioration could seem like ordinary wear and tear. In addition to moisture issues and chimney fires, a broken chimney may even pose a risk for carbon monoxide poisoning! What are the reasons for chimney damage? Chimney damage is not a good sign no matter what the reason is. Watch out for these typical indications of chimney damage as under. Creosote buildup It is unavoidable that your chimney contains creosote if you burn wood in your fireplace. The smell from combustion enters your chimney, cools down, sticks to the flue’s walls, and creates deposits of creosote- a tar-like, Highly flammable substance. A significant chimney fire could result from allowing creosote to accumulate without routine cleaning or inspection. The only way to get rid of creosote accumulation and stop a chimney fire is to ...